Private autobiography

Memoir Photography: Today and Tomorrow

In our modern world, we are surrounded by images. In fact, we are almost obsessed with images. Smartphones allow everyone to snap photos in an instant and immediately share them with friends, family and on social media. When they come to creating their own memoir in decades to come, what a wealth of photos they will have at their disposal.

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Give Mom the Gift of a LifeBook This Mother’s Day

She’s the woman who gave you life. She cheered you on at events, supported you in all your passions, and set you up for a life of success. You never know how to express just how much she means to you. This Mother’s Day, give her something she can cherish for years to come. Her own autobiography.

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preserving lifes moments

The Moments That Shape a Life Time

As our world experiences a terrible pandemic, many of us are focusing on the negative, even obsessing over the things we cannot control. But we invite you to take a step back and think of all the moments in recent history we thought would never end: 9/11, Race Riots, The Vietnam War, World War II, and The Great Depression.

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Keen to Capture Your Life Stories or That of Your Parents?

Roy has recently given interviews about his passion for helping ordinary people telling their life stories, recording social history and how writing a memoir is a therapeutic project offering a real social benefit. He also expressed how integrity and personal service are paramount to the company.

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LifeBook 18 Just Married Lauderdale Rd Synagogue

Handle Unanswered Questions Before it’s Too Late

Family stories around the dinner table seem to be a thing of the past with our on-the-move lifestyles. A survey found that 40 percent of families eat dinner together only three or fewer times a week, with 10 percent never eating dinner together at all. With the decline of shared meals runs the risk of losing out on family narratives.

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LifeBook Memoirs Veronica

Costello’s Gorgeous Tribute to Veronica

The famous song Veronica, co-written by no others than Elvis Costello and Paul McCarthy, chronicles the story of a life well-lived, full of ups and downs and laughs, of Elvis Costello’s grandmother who is slipping away into the darkness of dementia. Who is the “Veronica” of your family? How will her precious legacy be remembered? Perhaps by an autobiography?

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Personal Delivery to Flower Specialist Geoff Spriggs

LifeBook Memoirs founder Roy and members of the production team went to visit Geoffrey Spriggs at his business, Spriggs Florists, to personally deliver the copies of his memoir and to interview him about his experience. He also shared the story of when he met the Queen while working at Buckingham Palace.

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LifeBook Celebrates the Amazing World Book Day

World Book Day is upon us, and we here at LifeBook Memoirs couldn’t turn down a chance to don the garb of our favorite literary characters. We love the work World Book Day has done for many years promoting reading amongst young children. Do check out their website and grab some £1 book tokens to share some stories of your own!

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Joanna’s Experience as a LifeBook Interviewer

Starting a journey with LifeBook Memoirs can feel a little daunting for new authors, but when they discover I share their passion and commitment, the respect and trust between us build. As the weeks roll by, our bond grows and we find ourselves greeting each other like old friends. It is a blessing and a privilege.

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Bryan Bates’ LifeBook Reveal

Every time a LifeBook memoir author visits us is a cause for celebration, but Bryan’s visit was particularly special as, upon collection of his newly created memoir, he would become our fastest-ever author to print his (having only invested in the private autobiography 21 weeks prior to his visit!). This is an amazing achievement.

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