Write my life story

Food and memory on a duvet

Food and Memory

Writing and reading about food creates a strong sense of connection between writer and reader, and it gives a unique understanding of the personalities at the heart of these stories.

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How Do I Find Someone to Write My Life Story?

Everyone has a book inside them, so they say! And when it comes to writing the story of your life, no-one can do it better than you. But unless you’re a professional, writing a book is not easy. If you want to turn your memories into beautiful words your family will cherish, then hiring a ghostwriter could be for you. Here’s how.

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Sunday Times “How much is your life story worth?”

“How much is your life story worth?”, asked The Sunday Times recently. It’s a hot topic, as more people than ever are penning their memoirs with the help of companies including LifeBook, the world’s leading private memoir and autobiography service. The Sunday Times article explores why it has become such a phenomenon.

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Why Telling Our Family Stories Is So Beneficial

While memories fade, stories can last forever. We all enjoy the telling of our family stories – important events, traditions, adventures and misadventures! Our family stories are powerful and even if we’ve heard the stories many times before, it seems to stir something within our souls. Why is this? We take a look at why our family stories are so beneficial to us.

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preserving lifes moments

Journaling: Another Form Of Preserving Life’s Moments

Life is complicated and messy and beautiful, sometimes all in the same day. But having a moment or two each day or week to reflect on the now is important. It may feel silly at first, writing a journal to recap the little moments. But you are creating a record of your life story. One day you’ll be happy you did.

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time to write your life story

The Time to Write Your Life Story is Now

As many Americans have reached the three-week mark of staying in place during the spread of COVID-19, you may be running out of things to do. How many times can you organize your pantry, spring clean your home, or watch another movie on Netflix? Perhaps this is the time to start your memoirs? Let us help you start writing your story.

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LifeBook Memoirs Doris

Life Moments to Remember, Life Stories to Share

When she lost her husband, Doris was faced with the task of going through her belongings. With her daughter’s help, she rummaged through old clothes, discarded knick-knacks and household objects. She came across a box of photos, cards, and sentiments from her life with Joseph. Moments she hadn’t wanted to forget. 

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