Write my life story

How to Create Your Life Story in Three Simple Steps

If you’re thinking about how to create your life story, a little bit of planning can make the process simple and enjoyable. There’s often a pattern when authors begin the process of writing their life stories. First, they don’t know where to start. Then, they cover every major milestone as if crossing a stream by jumping boulder to boulder.

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Author Alan Beckett, My Recollections of the Filming

Alan Beckett, LifeBook Memoirs author, shares his experience of filming our TV commercial and his experience of working with his dedicated project team. He sums it up with: “I might not be the most important client of LifeBook Memoirs, but everyone there has always treated me as though I am – it’s been wonderful and thank you”

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LifeBook Supports Local Historian Paul Vickers’ Book Launch

LifeBook’s Natalie talks about hers and Paul Vicker’s involvement in The EDGE Project. The project uses film, photography and media to engage young people to run initiatives based on the historical heritage of Aldershot and, in particular, the home of the British Army. EDGE supported Paul Vicker’s book launch to thank him.

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Capturing a Life Story – Maud and Mum

Emma Lowndes, blogger and caregiver, shares what she thinks is one of the most important parts of a care plan: the bit that attempts to convey a little of the life history, passions, interests and preferences of the person being cared for. That way, helpers don’t just see an ‘old person’; they see the individual. When she is of age she’ll commission a memoir.

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LifeBook – This Photo Sums Up Why We Do It

A huge thank you to Tom and Viebecke Vraalsen, who sent us this wonderful photograph upon completion of Tom’s LifeBook project in July and kindly gave us permission to post about it. We love to hear from our authors once their projects have completed and the books have been circulated among family and friends.

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The Amazing Story of Former Broadcaster Julie Coker

Every life story of our authors is fascinating and provides an important insight into each family’s history. LifeBook Memoirs is proud to have been involved in the family autobiography of Julie Coker, former Nigerian television broadcaster and founder of the Richard Coker Foundation charity supporting anemia research.

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Bespoke LifeBook: Love and Laughter in a Suitcase

LifeBook Memoirs was honored to welcome Virginia Bayless and her daughter Brenda to the office for a coffee and cake presentation. Brenda’s final manuscript was over 152,000 words. We upgraded her memoir to our beautiful larger format hand-bound and stitched linen book and it is one of the biggest books in our library.

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LifeBook’s latest project: “The Real Life of Brian”

The LifeBook Memoirs team is very proud to announce the completion of Brian Hallard’s autobiography “The Real Life of Brian”. The project was gifted to Brian by his two sons who were present when he was being presented with his finalized copies in the library of a lovely private club in central London.

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Do You Want to Write Your Own Life Story?

Are you considering writing your life story? Are your family and friends constantly nudging you to get your act together and pen your autobiography? Is the idea of it compelling but a bit daunting? Have you tried but do not know where to start? We have put together a few questions that will help to get you into an autobiographical frame of mind.

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67% Regret Not Writing Down War Stories

As we approach Remembrance Day, it is a time to remember our countrymen but it has been revealed that despite 64% of Brits being told war stories by family members, only 8% of us have recorded them for future generations – important historical events and anecdotes that will soon be lost forever. Act before it is too late.

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