Keen to Capture Your Life Stories or That of Your Parents?

Roy has been interviewed about his passion for helping ordinary people telling their life stories

Roy Moëd founder of the oldest global autobiography service in the world was recently invited by the BBC to appear on BBC News’ Inside Track, a segment of their Worklife show that spotlights CEOs and their businesses, to discuss how the company got started, why he is so passionate about the value of people’s life stories and recording social history, as well as the benefits and value of each project and how the process works with face to face interviews globally. Explaining how a LifeBook is an engaging, therapeutic project that offers a valuable legacy and real social benefit.

You can watch the interview here

LifeBook has also featured in an episode ‘Life Story Writers’ of the BBC 4 Radio program ‘Niche work if you can get it’ with project managers and ghostwriters discussing how their work is helping ordinary people tell their stories, and what it means to them.

You can listen to the show here

Incredible stories that preserve moments of social history that might otherwise have been forgotten. It is the greatest gift anyone can leave their children and grandchildren, the gift of a LifeBook.

Do you want to capture your life stories or that of your parents or loved ones? Recording the special and unique journey of creating a private autobiography for your readers to enjoy? Talk to us to discuss this opportunity further.

Have you ever thought of what children will remember about their parents or grandparents? Will they know their life story, their struggles, their achievements? Who will tell their grandchildren or great-grandchildren about their origins or what the world was like when they were a child? What do children really know about their parents’ and grandparents’ lives and values?

When you think about the legacy that is handed down to future generations of families, precious heirlooms such as jewelry, watches, and furniture will probably come to mind…

But what if people could give a part of themselves? A precious part, the unique adventures they’ve experienced, their thoughtful learnings, their life lessons and values?

One of the greatest gifts they can leave to their children and grandchildren or even unborn future generations is their life story, after all – it is their story too, and a priceless legacy and a gift to the generations of their family to come.

Their private autobiography is the best book on the bookshelf by far – A LifeBook is their life, their story, in a book they will be proud to have written, a permanent record of their life preserved forever for their family, in beautiful, handmade books, that are created from listening carefully to the recollections of their life, their memoirs.

Launched in 2012 after Roy Moed, founder and CEO of LifeBook was inspired to capture his father’s autobiography, he is now proud to have produced private autobiographies for hundreds of authors across the globe and we pride ourselves in listening with care, understanding, compassion and genuine interest to each and every life story we are told. That’s what produces a great Life Book private autobiography and every one we’ve crafted, printed and bound has been an honor and ‘more than worth it’ to every one of our authors. They glow with pride. As do their families, their children, and grandchildren.

We are proud of what we do because we make our customers proud of what they have done and pride is in every word, page, photo, layout, binding, and feel of each LifeBook we produce. We get to go on a special journey with all of our authors as they recount their incredible stories, capturing their life and their history so that they can then relive it at any time.

Integrity and a personal and trusted service are paramount and we have three golden rules – no money upfront, transparent prices, and fixed costs, with authors able to cancel at any time. LifeBook is the lowest cost producer of private autobiographies at less than 17 pence per word compared to our nearest competitor at 26 pence per word for a less premium product and service, and each author gets ten handmade books on archive paper, with a personally designed dust jacket and a gold or silver embossed linen cover, plus a one-hour recording of them telling their stories.

“When I was asked: If my house was on fire what would I grab?, I did not hesitate, it would be “The Real Life of Brian“ – my father’s LifeBook, his private autobiography.”

Luke Hallard

“The LifeBook experience has been a wonderful thing for both myself and for my father. I love the story about how he met my mother – it’s priceless.”

Linda Lawson