Signature package options

A Signature project - leather, linen and endpaper options

For our Signature projects, our authors get 21 copies total. This is 20 linen-bound copies and 1 leather-bound copy. They have a choice of 10 linens and 4 leathers. They also get a choice of marbled or block colour endpapers. They get a choice of silver or gold embossing as standard. They also have the option to add their signature to the dust jacket but also have it embossed on the linen and leather. You need to ensure that their signature is scanned and sent to you (at the latest we should receive it with the ATT, ideally before) so it can be included at typesetting.

LifeBook Signature Linen color options

Linen options

Our artisan bookbinders will handcraft the linen books and there are 10 linen options available for our authors/clients to choose from.

Niagara Red, Lewis Blue, Plate Grey and Tweed Green are readily available.

All other colours are subject to availability.
Please note the final linen may not be an exact match to the examples in this document.
LifeBook Signature Leather Book

Leather options

Our artisan bookbinders will handcraft the leather book using premium Pentland leather and there are four leather options available.
If your author would like a different leather colour, this would be an additional charge. Please find out what colour they would like, and we can look to source a colour sample to send them. Please note the final leather may not be an exact match to the examples in this document.
Marbled Endpaper

Marbled endpaper options

For all the linen and leather copies, our artisan bookbinders will use endpapers, and Signature projects have the option of marbled endpapers. If they do not want any of the marbled, they can have a standard endpaper colour.
plain end papers

Plain endpaper options

For all the linen and leather copies, our artisan bookbinders will use endpapers, and Signature projects have the option of marbled endpapers. If they do not want any of the marbled, they can have a standard endpaper colour.