LifeBook World Map

Our Covid-19 process keeping authors and project members safe

Making sure that our authors’ life stories are told despite Covid-19

All employees, our professional project managers, editors, and typesetters, have moved from the headquarters in England and Indiana to work remotely, and they continue to deliver the beautiful handmade legacies and autobiographies our families deserve.

In order to protect both our authors and their interviewers, we are using video and phone interviewing technology, allowing both current and new projects, in 40 countries, to continue without interruption.

If the author doesn’t have a suitable digital setup, we provide a tablet with a prepaid sim card assuring an instant internet connection. Should there be a need, we also have a dedicated trainer helping the author to quickly learn how to use the technology.

Moreover, we have a secure ‘no touch’ pick-up & return service for all the photographs and significant documents that you’d like copied and included in your book.

Finally, once the memoir has been finalised, we offer to ship each copy directly to family members and friends.

As soon as the Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, we will go back to conducting face-to-face interviews (unless the author wants to do them over video).

During the growing social isolation restrictions, our authors are enjoying their regular interviews and seeing their stories become that precious book and legacy for their family. Writing your life story is a personal and rewarding experience, and there is no time like the present!

If you have any questions, please get in touch.